Me gustaría salir al paso de comentarios que escuchamos día a día en tertulias radiofónicas y televisivas, donde se observa claramente que no enfocamos de forma simple el problema del exceso de personal en las administraciones publicas. Como veremos, a...

I would like to refer here to my article of this blog titled "Tecnocracia and Liderazgo" (Technocracy and Leadership in English). You can use translator if you do not read English, but anyhow I would like to do a short...

I have the opportunity to attend one of the last sessions in Madrid of the theatre comedy "El Cavernicola" (in English "Defending the Cavernman" ( See Wikepedia ). I was impressed by the excellent job done by Nacho Novo. It...

I have the opportunity to watch this video on Internet from Laura Trice sent by my son Carlos, that was gratefully impacted by the content. I have to admit that is short, but sharp. And make us think about how...

Asistimos estos días a una creciente aparición de España en los medios internacionales. Ingleses, Italianos, incluso Americanos,  se hacen eco de la situación financiera de España. De nuestra prima de riesgo, de la deuda y nuestro déficit, de nuestro paro...