Ver la entrevista aqui / watch the interview here

Esta es la segunda vez que Jose María Martinez Val, Doctor Ingeniero Industrial e insigne catedrático y escritor, viene a mi programa Hemisferios en Decisión Radio. En esta entrevista nos habla como actual Presidente del ICMEI, el Instituto de Ciencia, Medioambiente, Energía e Industria. Este Instituto es una iniciativa creada en el seno del congreso y más en concreto en la Asociación de Ex Diputados y Ex Senadores de las Cortes Generales.

Como el mismo nos va a explicar, este instituto busca aportar valor escuchando a todas las partes implicadas en el desarrollo tecnológico e industrial futuro, buscando pautas de actuación y consenso entre todos los actores, contando en su jornadas y ponencias con la presencia de notables empresarios y tecnólogos.

Translation to English

This is the second time that Jose María Martinez Val, a Doctor in Industrial Engineering and renowned professor and writer, comes to my program Hemispheres on Decision Radio. In this interview, he speaks to us as the current President of ICMEI, the Institute of Science, Environment, Energy, and Industry. This Institute is an initiative created within the congress and more specifically within the Association of Former Deputies and Senators of the General Courts.

As he will explain to us, this institute seeks to add value by listening to all parties involved in future technological and industrial development, seeking action guidelines and consensus among all stakeholders, and having in its sessions and lectures the presence of notable businessmen and technologists

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